Thursday, December 9, 2010


People might define friendship in n no of ways...but to me it really cant be defined.I ts something which is beyond words.It can just be felt.And you cant really get to the core of the friendship once you have found your real ones.Their love for you is invaluable.
I have always thought of a friend who can guide me,who can understand me,who respects me,the one who can really value my presence or absence,but................i have never found someone till date.and many a times i realize this thing that its my own fault.Maybe i just don't deserve to get such people in my life.
today i just feel the pan of missing that close one from my life.Then the thing is whom should i blame????? and the answer which i get is 'ME'.Before expecting respect from people i should learn to respect myself.i have always taken things so lightly and above all took life so easy as the way it came.But today i stand no where.Neither i have a friend who can support me despite having each day of my life a party day with so many people around me nor i stand up anywhere among the human race to reach the acme. Then the conclusion is i wasted it all..
though i am really thankful to my friends for life ankit kapoor, sushant gupta,piyush chopra,rahul tulsija ,anil hunduja , hitesh kishani , muin iqbal khan for being there with me in all my needs.But then y am i feeling so alone and aloof.Y dis pain is daunting me??
do i need to change myself ??? this is the most enigmatic question which and the most contradictory one as i always face this fight among this damn heart and mind.wooooffff...
. and today i am really thankful to ISHITA KAUL who really helped me out in this.I was in fact surprised to see the way she was guiding me.and now today i can prudly say that ya i have got such people in my life.And ofcourse other one is ANKIT BHARADWAJ.He is the only one personwho has valued me always and has always helped me in any sorts of trouble.
I still remember the day when we were going and we met an accident with a guy and ankit thrashed that person like anything and i was the one who was stopping both of them and tht guy sudenly attacked me and ankit just warned him by telling him to stay away from me since i am his brother inspite of the fact that i should have helped ankit lambasting that man.
so just 1 sem remaining and i can say at the end i have found a real friends for lifetime in the form of ishita , ankit and ofcourse ankur and rohit are there with me but these 2 would be really very special for me.
now i have to prove my point if not for any1 then ales for them.and i will do it.ishita really told me those things which i stride listening from a friend. and i just hope they will understand me sooner or later...
ans same goes with ankit,sushant,piyush,rahul,hitesh,anil and muin..........
just wish these people always remain in my life forever .....