Wednesday, February 2, 2011

after all its valentine day

there are so many festivals celebrated around the world 24x7, most of them differs on the basis of language,traditions,culture,rituals,society and so on...but there are very few which holds a special place in our heart and which are above all these barriers and one among them is "VALENTINES DAY".
VALENTINES DAYS-day of love and it holds a special place for people out there in love..14th FEB ,the most awaited day by any person who is in love with someone, who loves someone.although we know we don't need any particular day for expressing our love but some moments are cherished on certain specific day just like b day's ,anniversaries they all are celebrated on one particular day and just like that 14th feb is really a a special one an donly a lover can understand the importance of this day

Lover does not always means that it has to be a girl friend or a boy friend but it could be anything say a son-mom relation,daughter-father, teacher-student..anyone...after all
"its feeling that connects us all not the relation'
and this is the perfect day for expressing our love and just like adding more sugar to the cake

Every year i wander around at various hang out spots,clubs,restaurants,parks on this day and all i see is love everywhere and it just feels great engulfed by such a divine feeling all round you..and i wonder cant this moment remain forever????world is full of love,its just the way we need to show,not to hide...woooff!!!let me not get inti that

People specially youth,teenagers are crazy about this day.they plan up month before and wait desperately for this day just to make their love happy,just to get their love,just to express their love and they do it in their own special ways...its not only this day that they celebrate rather they celebrate this week by nominating each day individually for a specific gift.emotion.whateva be...actually its just like a movie scene and at the end everything goes well just say "HAPPYS ENDINGS"...hehe
To start of with, 7th feb is celebrated as "ROSE DAY" cant start your love better then this..ROSE-symbol of love,fresh and aromatic brings all the essence to your life..and personally i feel its the guys who start the proceedings and i think girls deserves to make a choice..sorry for being partial..but then i would like to say that if a girl likes some guy then she should dare enough to express it coz its nothing like ego or boy first kinda thing after all
" if you love someone better say it rather then waiting on it"
and rose is the best starter to this nd now once rose is accepted we have the next move

Next one is to propose..ahhhh!!!! this is the most crucial moment in anyone's ..if proposal is accepted then great otherwise wine shop is just nearby..haha..just kidding......and so 8th feb is the proposal day... i see different wys of proposing and i feel that this is the moment which should be made special no matter what you do,however you do but it has to be special for the one whom you are doing to..Propose your love in such a special way that they just cant deny it and just surprise them...make sure its the same way as they wanted it to they dreamed of..

Proposal is over my dear friend now your love is with you and very first thing you would like to do is to have some
and that why 9th feb we celebrate chocolates day..some sweets for a very sweet person of your life.usually we love chocolates specially melted ones thats what i love..chocolates just melts ones heart especially when it is given by your loved one...yummmyyy!!!!!!!!!!..

H`mmmm!!!!after adding sugar to your life its time to do something cute which makes your lover feels good and this time it maybe could something cute,really cute and and teddy is the best way of expressing this i would particularly mention about girls coz they love teddy .they adore them like anything, and in many of the cases they are their best friends with whom they share their deep dark secrets,cry on them, hug them,..woooff!!!! wish i could be her teddy..aawww!!!!so guys usually gift a teddy to their loved one..But for boys i would like to say
"girls are like teddy bears,you can do the same as they do with theirs,after all girls are the cutest teddy's i ever came across my life..and its about finding you perfect teddy."

After showing all the love its time to make some promises.Promises which are never meant to be broken.
"A broken promise hurts more then a broken part of your body"
if you promise someone especially your loved one you just make sure you mean it.whateva promises you made up just hold on to it..and on this day i.e 11th feb we celebrate promise day.and make sure you make these promises on this day that
"stay together with your lover forever in any sort of condition,make them happy always,keep loving them,never break their trust"
"any relation requires two things that is LOVE and RESPECT"

12th feb, i suppose the most passionate day that is KISS DAY..the amazing feeling which one really feels with your loved one, a kiss... could be on forehead,cheek,chin,head,hands and ya not to mention lips the mots passionate of all.there is nothing cheap or vulgar in this its just an art of expressing love,care,respect to the core...

Now this one is my favorite and is probably the best one,14H FEB-HUG gets this divine feeling to be in the arms of the one you love..go for a hug,it feels great,sense of security arouses within this i cant stop myself saying this that
"every time i see you i feel like pulling you close to me ,wrapping you all round my arms and stay with this moment forever.."..i wish!!!!!!!!
gosh!! i love this and its just like a " JAADU KI JHAPPI"

Now the big one,14th feb,most awaited day of the year that is VALENTINES DAYS.the day your loved one is with you forever,authorized i would say..hehe...the day you ought to make your lover stay with you all day all night together for whole life..they remains your valentine forever...the day where nothing apart from loves travels along the air.....

so everyone go for it,express it,love it,live this week comes once in a year make it a special one...go out and just love.....although life gives you many chances but why to waste this one...everyone should have this one valentine and of-course the right one..after all love is not a game guys...GRAB IT!!! HOLD IT!!!!

LOADS OF LOVE AND HUGS!!.. love ya..

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